  • Code
    H Vne-C
  • Product name
  • Source
    Human blood plasma
  • Purification
    Affinity chromatography
  • Sterilization
    Aseptic production
  • Format
    Lyophilized protein. Dialysis was performed against 10 mM phosphate buffer solution pH 7.5
  • Package Size
    0.25 mG
  • Purity
    >95% (SDS-Page)
  • Storage temperature
  • Expiration date
    1 year from date of manufacture


For those who want to improve matrix adhesion for cells


The product is a sterile, lyophilically dried protein. Vitronectin is a serum glycoprotein and an important component of the extracellular matrix that ensures cell attachment, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Vitronectin is able to bind to collagen, so it can be easily incorporated into the collagen matrix. Vitronectin contains the RGD-sequence, which provides binding to cell membrane integrins. Vitronectin is widely used in the study of nerve cells as well as embryonic and induced stem cells.

  • Production period - up to 30-40 business days
  • Shelf life - 1 year
  • For research purposes only