  • Code
    RAH C44
  • Product name
    Rabbit antibodies to human collagen type IIIRabbit antibodies to human collagen type IV
  • Source
    Rabbit immune serum
  • Purification
    Antigen affinity chromatography
  • Format
    Lyophilically dried antibodies
  • Package Size
    100 µg
  • Storage temperature
  • Expiration date
    1 year from the date of delivery

Anti-Collagen IV antibodies

Rabbit antibodies to human type IV collagen, affinity-purified, are ideal for use in Western blot and immunohistochemistry (paraffin-embedded tissue sections), as they bind to both native and thermally denatured type IV collagen. In ELISA they have the following specificity:
Human Collagen Type IV 100 %
Other human collagens (I, II, III, V) <10%